Sunday Oct 02, 2011

Greetings fellow passionate pragmatists!

This is my very first podcast and I must admit I'm rather apprehensive. Pondering thoughts are how will I be accepted; will people be interested in my thoughts and opinions; I might even be perceived as a pessimist. In reality, I am a pragmatist and a passionate one.  If you're not really certain about who pragmatists are, or, how they are seen in society lets begin with how defines us. Secondly, I am extraordinary passionate about almost everything to a point of being manic depressive or bi-polar.  I experience the highs and lows depending on what is occurring each and every day.  However, I've run the gambit with the psychiatrists and psychologists and the medication just sedates and enables me from being who I am.  There is absolutely nothing abnormal about passion, but, I believe that one needs to keep it under control at all times.  For example, if your boss embarasses you in front of another colleague that is definitely not the appropriate moment to tell him or her how you feel in a profane manner.  Most likely, it will cost your job.  Then where would you be?  Not in a good place I can assure you.

1. a person who is oriented toward the success or failure of a particular line of action, thought, etc.; a practical person.

2. an advocate or adherent of philosophical pragmatism.


1. action or policy dictated by consideration of the immediate practical consequences rather than by theory or dogma

2. philosophy a. the doctrine that the content of a concept consists only in its practical applicability b. See also instrumentalism the doctrine that truth consists not in correspondence with the facts but in successful coherence with experience.

But, I digress, getting back to pragmatism; I consider myself a very linear person which has gifted me with a very logical, rational mind.  Abstract thinking for me is as foreign as going to Mars.  It's just not part of my DNA.  But, being linear also has its limitations specifically in mathematics and the sciences.  When I was school I had to work doubly hard just to be a B/C student.  And I still cringe at taking tests - any kind of test. I was recently told by a very good male friend that I was one of the few logical/rational women he had known in his entire life.  He explained that most women do think in the abstract sense, which may be the reason why my relationships with other women are strained and usually superficial.  However, I have always done my very best to treat everyone I come in contact with respect and kindness.  How they choose to respond whether it's positive or negative is their problem.   And I discovered that alleviates the pressure off of me.  I place the ball in the other person's court.  They are forced to make the decision so that I don't have to. I better gather my thoughts and step up to the mic.  In the beginning this will be a lot of trial and error but that is how we all learn, so please bear with me until I become a bit more professional and focused.  Eventually, I might have to start typing a script although I would prefer not to. Your patience will  be most appreciated. Also check out my newest YouTube site by the same name, THE PASSIONATE PRAGMATIST .  Various videos will be posted that will hopefully enlighten and inspire you, or even make your day a little brighter. Sincere regards,


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